
Hola, Hello and Yookoso to Our Travel Blog!

Thank you for joining our adventures to near and far corners of the world. Over the years we have explored many exiting hidden and secret spots across the globe and visited some of the famous sights in small and large cities. Otherworldly Japan, the heavenly atolls of the  Maldives and the fascinating culture of Morocco are among the countries we keep returning to, again and again. London has been our home for a decade, in Germany most of our family is based and Spain is our third home after falling in love with the northern coast of Mallorca.

Hopefully, our photos and stories will inspire wanderlust in you and your little ones to spend weekends away and to discover off the beaten path destinations and places.

We always love to hear your travel tales, feel free to email us on wanderlustplusone@gmail.com

Vanessa, Chris and Jerome


46 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Vanessa, Nice to meet you! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my blog. I would love to learn more of your story. How did you get started blogging? What drew you to traveling? Jessy

    1. Hi Jesse,
      Thanks for coming to have a look at my blog. I have always loved exploring different cultures and countries. My husband had to travel quite a lot for work and I was lucky to join him most of the time. Now I’m kind of addicted and can’t wait to plan the next holiday when I come back from one. What’s your favourite place to go to?

      1. Hi Vanessa, That’s so cool! I know what you mean about loving to travel. I feel most happy when I have at least one planet ticket purchased for my next trip! My favorite place to visit is Japan, since I have been many times (~10x) and have lots of friends there. I am off to Barcelona in two days though. It will be my first time in Europe. I am so excited. Jessy

      2. Hi Jessy,
        Barcelona is an incredible city, one of my favourites in Europe. You definitely have to go and see Sagrada Familia and the other Gaudi buildings and the park. But I guess you already know that. I hope you will enjoy your time there. Please let me know afterwards if you liked it.

  2. Thanks for stopping by. Enjoying reading your escapades around the world. You have visited more places in Japan than I have even though I live & work here ! I know what my New Year resolution is gonna be.

    1. I’m happy to hear you enjoyed reading about my travels. I guess it’s always like that, if you live in a place you don’t see as much of it as you could and as tourists do. If I count the places I’ve been to here in the U.K., they don’t even fill one of my hands 🖐🏻
      I should probably take it as my New Years resolution too…

  3. Thank You for visiting! The closest I’ve been to Tokyo, is Narita – my daughters on the other hand went during Christmas 2015 and loved it. From your posts, I see I missed a lot!

  4. Your blog is so neat and inviting…. It is a pleasure to go read it… I browsed through some of your posts. They seem so sincere and most definitely inspiring! So go on! Travel some more and inspire even more! Good luck!

  5. Lovely visit today. Thank you. As a Fulbright Teacher in Germany for two years (each experience was one year and they were four years apart), I brought our two children along and then traveled throughout Europe. My husband was able to visit us during each experience. I have noticed that they are tolerant individuals in addition to having multiple foreign languages. It is a good way for young people to learn about other countries and cultures. Bravo to you.

  6. Hi Vanessa,
    I’ve nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award! I’m glad to have come across your blog. You have great content, writing, and pictures. Keep it up! Check out my post for the rules, questions, etc. Hope you have fun and congratulations! 🙂

    1. Hi Jessica,
      thank you so much for nominating me. I’m over the moon and feel very honored and of course I will accept.
      When I started the blog I never thought that one day I might be nominated for an award. It makes me very happy to know there are people out there who like reading my blog.

  7. Hello! Thanks for liking my post on Tokyo. We recently had a child and find that travelling with a plus one makes it a bit harder so it’s great to see that you still get to go to so many exciting places.

    1. Hi!
      It certainly makes traveling harder but then isn’t life in general with a plus one more demanding than it was before.
      We have always had the attitude that Jerome comes with us where ever we go and we got used to it.
      Traveling with children can be very rewarding in a different way to when you go on your own. The only advise I can give you is go for it, travel as much as you can, even if it is hassle at times. Your child will be grateful when they’re older and you will be able to look back and have fond memories of the time you spent with them abroad.

  8. Thanks for stopping by. Enjoying reading your escapades around the world. You have been to more places in Japan than I have even though I have been living here for ages ! Gotta change my NY Resolutions ; )

    1. Thanks for having a look at my posts. You should definitely get out and around more if you’re in Japan. It is such an amazing country to explore. I hope you got some ideas of where to go for your NY resolutions,

  9. Hi Vanessa, thank you for visiting my post about Kutná Hora on Chlohemian – I’m glad you liked it! It looks here like you also have a great travel blog with lots of colorful experiences 🙂 I hope to one day to also travel “effortlessly” with kids – don’t think I’ll ever lose the travel bug. I’m looking forward to learning more about your journeys.

  10. Good on you, take every opportunity to explore the world with your family. Only wish I had been as adventurous when mine were younger. love the blog.

  11. Hello Vanessa,

    Thank you so much for checking out my blog and liking my posts, that way I could find your blog which I really like 🙂 keep up the good work, where are you going next? I wish you’d write about london, it’s one of my favourite cities ever, I wonder how people living there feel about it… Anyway, take care of yourself!

    1. Hi Lucy,
      I’m glad you like my blog and have taken your wish, to post about London on board. I have always felt that I should share my favourite places here in London.
      It is a great city and I hope you will be come and visit London sometime soon.
      Where is your favourite spot or what did you most enjoy about London?
      Take care,

  12. Thanks a bunch for checking out my blog and liking my post! Took a look through your blog and instantly felt nostalgic looking through your pictures of Japan as that was the first country I traveled to in 2013. Keep up the amazing blogging!

      1. My favorite place in Japan that I visited? I honestly cannot choose just one but if had to, I’d definitely have to say Shibuya. I’m a city boy so I instantly fell in love with how everything there was. But that’s not to say I don’t enjoy nature either. The next time that I travel there, I want to visit the rural areas and more traditional locations in Japan.

  13. Loved reading about your time in Japan. Next time we come we’re going to travel and see more of the country. Still have a few weeks left in Tokyo and can’t wait to come back!

  14. It’s inspiring that you’re able to travel with your family so much. It’s a great way to expose your son to new experiences, too! Hope you all stop by Hawaii soon!

    1. Thank you! We would love to visit Hawaii sometime, the boys have always been keen surfers and I am sure they would love it there.

  15. I just loved your recent Georgia post! A country I dream of going to. Your blog is awesome and look forward to exploring more of your travels!

    1. Thank you Anna! You should definitely go and explore before the masses take over! You won’t regret it! I am also very happy to hear you enjoy our blog!

  16. Hi Vanessa and thanks you so much for visiting my blog. I am so delighted to have “run into you” and your blog, as I see we have been to similar destinations and it is always interesting to read other people’s impressions ( I love your posts on the Yucatan, we spent over a year there ourselves ).
    I look forward to read about your travels in Japan as it is a country on our list for our next holidays, so keen to know a few tips!!

    1. Hi Voahngy,
      thank you for your lovely comment! It is great to meet other people through our blogging world and read about their experiences.
      I do hope that our posts on Japan will inspire you to explore our favourite country soon.

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